A daily or perhaps more irregular delve into the life and minds of Truman; that's me and I have something to say on everything and everyone. I know for a fact you'll want to not miss out. All of your friends will be talking about me so get in on the action. You know you want to.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The biorhythm method

Well I never really believed in the whole biorhythm thing; always struck me that it was all part of that stuuf crammed within the dubious city limits of Crapsville, Bunkum County. You know all that shite like horoscopes, reiki, Shakespeare, feng shui, tabloid newspaper headlines, political sincerity. All that stuff that you know is not true, you just know it, but you can't be arsed, or you're not sufficiently driven, to disprove.

Of course I was suspicious, curious, nervous of the Crapsville beliefs when I was a teenager; superstitious. But fuck me I was superstitious about Chee-zus and the whole Ker-rriste-ianity thing, so that is a pretty safe and accurate measure of how far off-beam I was back then.

The reason I mention this is that I am searching the for source of my lethargy which is transparently coupled separately with ennui, self-doubt, mental decrepitude, and physical fatigue.

According to my favourite website a biorythm is, in addition to being a noun;

An innate, cyclical biological process or function.

Then, yes, my innate, cyclical biological process or function is definitely on the wane. Either way I still think this stuff resides permanently in Crapsville. It is ninth generation bullshit as a set of beliefs.

Perhaps I am just grouchy cuz I am on my male period; you know, got the painters in, rag week, surfing the crimson wave, strawberry fields. Any takers? Any further offers? Do let me know.



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